Easy, Simple Plans
All plans include a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. No strings attached.
Basic Plan
Per Location Per Month
- Filtered sub requests
- Sub board
- Sub schedule
- Approval process
- Automated reminders
- Calendar integration
- Insights
- Unlimited 24/7 support
Pro Plan
Per Location Per Month
- Schedule integration
- Announcements
- Automatic instructor swap
- Text notifications
- Availability
- Resources
- Calendar integration
- Group Chat & Direct Messaging
Premier Plan
Custom Pricing
Per Location Per Month
- Custom schedule integration
- Custom reporting
- Custom sub policies & restrictions
Frequently Asked Questions
We have seen a lot of policies with over 700 locations. If it makes sense for both of us, we are happy to incorporate custom work and connect you with customers who we have done this for.
Reality is people thrive on structure and organization, especially when your staff are not full-time and have multiple employers. People also like one-stop-shops to find all information, especially as it relates to subbing. We know from experience!
Yes! The sub schedule is filtered by the locations the studio manager manages only.
The reason it wouldn’t work is if there was an issue syncing the data. We have controls in place to let us know when there was an issue syncing and we resolve this right away. We are also developing webhooks so we automatically know when changes are made to mindbody. Changes made to mindbody after a sub request is sent is the most common reason why a syncing error would occur. With webhooks, we will be able to make changes automatically to sub requests when these changes occur.
Although these messaging apps provide a great way to communicate directly, it does not close the entire loop of the sub process.
First, they don’t tie into your live schedule. You still have to manually update who’s subbing requiring time from management or the administrative team to sift through and then have to make updates to the live schedule. This is time wasted and money lost.
Second, they don’t provide insights into sub behavior and trends so you can’t make decisions on who should be keeping their permanent classes
We have built a playbook to integrate into any scheduling software within 4-6 weeks. We can partner to make that happen or we also offer a basic version of the software where the integration is not necessary. This version requires manual information of the class information.
This comes down to an issue with the instructors profile set up. Management is responsible for assigning Skills to instructors for classes they are eligible to teach. However, we have an awesome and super responsive support team and can quickly assist tp make sure all instructors are receiving what they should.
Instructors can set up the frequency and the channel in which they want to receive notifications.
Sure, the slack channel allows for the communication to occur but it doesn’t provide the same visibility of what is available and coverage statuses as we do. We allow the instructor to receive sub requests in their channel of choice. This can be through email, text, or push notifications. Having this choice and wide coverage allows the instructor to easily see all the requests that are available and quickly accept ones they can teach. It then provides data behind who is subbing what classes and most often which can influence your payroll system directly. Reliable, effective and efficient collaboration could guarantee classes are covered with the best available teacher
Instructors can set up the frequency and the channel in which they want to receive notifications.
You probably don’t have all of the activity tied to subbing. That’s where we come in. We can also sync with mindbody to collate reporting and make it easier to make decisions about your classes and instructors
We can work out multi-year contracts at a discounted rate.
We are a small family run business so we do annual contracts but can work with you on flexible payment terms. We support our customers and are happy to accommodate changes needing to payment plans as they endure restrictions and limitations during COVID. For example, we proactively paused all subscriptions to help our customers deal with COVID.
We offer a free 30 day trial so if the product is not a good fit for you during that time, there is no commitment and are free of any charges. Although, we have never had a customer not convert after a trial ;).
Yes, we have a number of happy customers in AU including Power Living, Fitness Playground, Sydney Pole, and Crunch.
There’s an initial investment, and that can seem daunting. But there are major long-term gains in terms of overhead expenses and the ability to scale your resources along with future locations. You’ll also remove negativity sentiments around subbing and support the managers in a better way, allowing them to do the work they love and that matters most to the studio. This will ensure they stick around and demonstrate your care for your staff. By using our product, you’ll cut hours off the managers time spent on these administrative tasks and also contribute to their mental state, ensuring they stick around and have low turnover.
There is a high ROI impact of our product and we are confident it will help you reach your goals to improve operational efficiencies, retain high quality instructors, and retain members. The product produces such good results that it will pay for itself.
On the surface, it may seem that way, but there are reasons our product may seem like it has a higher price point. We offer several valuable features that our competitors don’t and will actually help you earn revenue. This includes integration to various scheduling vendors which allow for the automatic instructor swap on the live schedule and the messenger which offers a new way to conduct mass communication. We also customize the sub process to fit your unique sub policy needs. Lastly, we offer and consolidate real-time insights into all subbing behavior which most alternative communication systems (i.e. slack) do not.
We can share several case studies with you that show how a studio similar to yours was able to triple their ROI by switching from there old solution to ours.
We also have a one-sheet that highlights some of the specific benefits of our product for you to forward to your team. We’re also happy to arrange demos with anyone on the team that needs clarification.
Totally understand where you are at from a cost perspective during this time. Depending on how you are running your sub supporting system, we could ultimately help cut those operational costs :). Our customer over in Australia, Sydney Pole, went from having 6 studio managers managing their sub process and each spending 1/3 of their day doing those tasks to now only needing to have 1/3 of 1 studio manager’s time focused on this. Similarly, Grit Cycle used to have a full-time salaried employee solely to handle sub requests for their 6 studios and now no longer need this person at all so have saved ~$60,000 in overhead costs. Just a few examples of how we have helped ultimately cut costs, improve the efficiencies, and relieved some of the stress that goes into subbing. We are happy to provide more examples of the ROI as well
Download the 6 step guide to gain back 40+ hours per month​
Most studio and Group X managers spend 25% of their time on subbing and communication. This 6 step process has proven to gain back 40+ hours per month through process automation and streamlined communication.